This is a list of guides on how to use Total Slider Manager Magento extension.
- Amanda - Slider Revolution Plugin
It is a slider with responsive layout and animated captions. - Samantha slider guide
It is a banner rotate plugin with responsive layout that can scroll content horizontally or vertically. - Krista slider guide
It is a simple responsive slider with textbox. - Trisha slider guide
It is a slider with a responsive layout that allows switching between slides using horizontal tabs. - Nicole slider guide
It is a beautiful and elegant fixed-width slider width vertical tabs and the textbox. - Xandra slider guide
It is a fixed-width slider with a progress bar.
Total Slider Manager Magento extension is responsive, size flexible or fluid, this basically mean that it can be used in any kind of Magento store.
It supports touch navigation and it’s a truly responsive and device friendly slider which works perfect in all major devices.