
Open to edit
[YourMagentoDir] / app / design / frontend / default / grayscale / template / page / html / footer.phtml

Remove the line

Bluescale, BlueScale2103

Open to edit
[YourMagentoDir] / app / design / frontend / default / bluescale / template / page / html / footer.phtml

Or open to edit
[YourMagentoDir] / app / design / frontend / default / bluescale / template / page / html / designby.phtml

Remove the line


Open to edit
[YourMagentoDir] / app / design / frontend / default / fashionstore / template / page / html / footer.phtml

Remove the line

This is a step-by-step guide on how to remove a link to Web-Experiment from the footer in our free Magento themes.

Here’s the list of the best free Magento templates that you can use for your project.


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