Please refer to the instructions "How to create slider", "How to insert slider"

Magento slider on the home page

  • Slider width (px): 840
  • Slider heigh (px): 330
  • Full-Width Mode: On

How to insert slider into the home page.

First, copy slider code. Goto CMS --> Static blocks and select home_page_header_block to edit. Put cursor to the place and then paste slider code.

Sidebar Magento slider

  • Slider width (px): 210
  • Full-Width Mode: On

This is a step-by-step guide on how to specify Standard Slider Settings in the Green responsive Magento template or RTL responsive Magento template.

Magento Slider is responsive, size flexible or fluid, it will adapt it’s width and height based on the parent container, this basically mean that it can be used in any kind of Magento website.

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