Horizontal brands slider
- Width: 960
- Full-Width Mode: On
Here is the example setup of the Samanta slider from our demo. Feel free to make changes.
- Height: 47
- Orientation: Horizontal
- Scroll Direction: Forwards
- Frame Rate: 18
- Mode: Loop
Vertical products slider
- Width: 140
- Full-Width Mode: Off
- Orientation: Vertical
Here is the example setup of the Samanta slider from our demo. Feel free to make changes.
- Height: 200
- Scroll Direction: Forwards
- Frame Rate: 18
- Mode: Loop
HTML code to display single product in a slide
Do not forget to replace "ProductID" with the ID of the product.
This is a step-by-step guide on how to specify Slider Magento extension Samantha slider settings in the Green responsive Magento template and RTL responsive Magento template.
Magento Slider is responsive, size flexible or fluid, it will adapt it’s width and height based on the parent container, this basically mean that it can be used in any kind of Magento website.
It’s device friendly by supporting responsive mode, multiple layouts, touch gestures on mobile devices, and uses techniques like lazy load.