Colour accents
In order to change color accents, open /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/css/skin.css, and add the following code to the end of skin.css file.
Wishlist and Compare
Download list.phtml into /YourMagentoDir/app/design/frontend/default/YourSkin/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
In order to change the background open /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/css/skin.css, and add the following code to the end of skin.css file.
Christmas Tree Decoration
Download xmas.png into /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/images/. Add following code to the end of skin.css file.
Blue snow
Download snow.jpg into /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/images/. Add following code to the end of skin.css file.
White snow
Download snow.png into /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/images/. Add following code to the end of skin.css file.