• HTML page breaks in the middle
  • Sometimes the OnePage Checkout doesn’t work properly
    Problem: works only the first step without any other information; the one-page-checkout works perfectly from time to time and sometimes nothing happens (white screen).
  • Checkout gets HTTP Error 500
    HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
  • Images are appearing properly on category pages, but not on product pages
    (You have loaded images that are too large. The system cannot display them under the current PHP settings.)
  • We see only 2 categories
    Problem: when we click on 'Catetegories' tab in the 'Product Information' page, we see the page with only 2 categories showing 'default and empty root catalog' with their check boxes. We have added so many products and now we are no longer able to edit their categories.

This is not a template bug. Most likely the memory_limit is too low and has to be increased up to 512MB.

Magento requires a memory_limit of no less than 256Mb (preferably 512)

PHP has exhausted the maximum memory limit as set by the configuration value memory_limit.

You would not find any errors in the Magento logs. You can check the Apache log to get a confirmation.

Increasing this value can be done by asking your host to increase the global memory_limit in the server’s php.ini configuration file. Another option is to increase this via the .htaccess file.

Magento comes with a default .htaccess file in the root directory that includes this configuration directive.

php_value memory_limit 64M
php_value max_execution_time 18000

You can change this value up to 128MB depending on your needs. This value should be kept to the minimum necessary to run your application.

Note. Theme itself does not make Magento slow.

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