In order to change the background open /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/css/skin.css, and add the following code to the end of skin.css file.
In order to change the background of the certain category, get the CSS class of the body tag for this page category.
Open /YourMagentoDir/skin/frontend/default/YourSkin/css/skin.css, and add the following code to the end of skin.css file.
This is a step-by-step guide on how to change background in the LightShop Green Responsive Magento Template and RTL language layout responsive Magento template.
RTL language layout template is Right to Left edition of our responsive Lightshop Green Magento theme. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, tablets and mobile devices. Themes can be used for any business needs as shop or as corporative theme.