You need to move the following directories into your Current Package

Design folder

/ app / design / frontend / base / default / layout / webandpeople

/ app / design / frontend / [theme] / default / layout / webandpeople

/ app / design / frontend / base / default / template / webandpeople

/ app / design / frontend / [theme] / default / template / webandpeople

Skin/Js folder

/ skin / frontend / base / default / css / webandpeople

/ skin / frontend / [theme] / default / css / webandpeople

/ skin / frontend / base / default / images / webandpeople

/ skin / frontend / [theme] / default / images / webandpeople

/ skin / frontend / base / default / js / webandpeople

/ skin / frontend / [theme] / default / js / webandpeople

If you need to add scripts and styles in the section "Miscellaneous Scripts", you would need to specify the full path to the file.

For example, instead src="video.js" you will need to write src=""

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