In order to hide all references to the Amazon store:

1. Navigate to WP: Amazon Import -> Settings

2. Configure fields:

General-> Redirect to Amazon special page by clicking "Add to Cart" button - set to Disable value.

General->Create Short Description Automatically - set to No value (this is where a link to the Amazon store is placed).

Customer Reviews->Include customer reviews in a product description inside an iframe - set to No value.

Q: Can i have a site with a few hundred dropship products from a vendor and use amazon products as well? I suppose i would not use Amazon checkout.

A: If you are not going to use Amazon checkout and handle checkout on your own processor - no problem with that. There are options to hide all references to Amazon and treat all products as your own. In this case you would simply use our extension as a content base.

This article is related to Amazon Products Manager Magento Extension.

How to make products imported from the Amazon to look like native Magento products. How not to redirect your customers to Amazon.


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