Two new Amazon locales: Mexico, Brasil were added to Magento extension.
Now you can import Mexico, Brasil Amazon products to Magento. Along with minor bug fixes related to the extension stability.
Each of these locales is serviced by an Amazon web site that uses the local language, local customs, and local formatting. For example, when you look at the MX homepage for Amazon, you see the listings in Spanish-language. Amazon Product Advertising API responses contain the same localized information.
Locale Information for the Amazon MX Marketplace
“The expansion of represents Amazon’s biggest international launch ever,” Juan Carlos García, manager of Amazon Mexico, said in the statement. “With convenient and secure payment options and fast delivery, our goal is to deliver a world-class shopping experience for customers in Mexico.”
Now is evolving with more product categories. is a Spanish-language site featuring millions of items including consumer electronics, kitchen and home items, sports equipment, tools, baby, health and personal care products, jewelry, music, books, movies, software and more.
Sort values: relevancerank, popularityrank, price, reviewrank, releasedate
Item Search parameters: Author, Availability, ItemPage, Keywords, MaximumPrice, MerchantId, >MinPercentageOff, MinimumPrice, Publisher, Sort, Title
- Bebé
- Libros
- Películas y Series de TV
- Electrónicos
- Salud, Belleza y Cuidado Personal
- Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar
- Tienda Kindle
- Hogar y Cocina
- Música
- Oficina y Papelería
- Software
- Deportes y Aire Libre
- Videojuegos
- Relojes
Root Browse node
- 9482651011
- 9298577011
- 9482631011
- 9482559011
- 9482611011
- 9482671011
- 6446440011
- 9482594011
- 9482621011
- 9673845011
- 9482691011
- 9482661011
- 9482641011
- 9482681011
Source: Product Advertising API Developer Guide - Locale Information for the MX Marketplace (API Version 2013-08-01)
Locale Information for the Amazon BR Marketplace
Sort values: relevancerank, salesrank, price, reviewrank_authority, daterank
Item Search parameters: Author, Availability, Condition, ItemPage, Keywords, Manufacturer, MaximumPrice, MerchantId, MinPercentageOff, MinimumPrice, Power, Publisher, Sort, Title
- Livros
- Loja Kindle
- Apps e Jogos
Root Browse node
- 7841278011
- 5308308011
- 6563510011
Source: Product Advertising API Developer Guide - Locale Information for the BR Marketplace (API Version 2013-08-01)
What is Product Advertising API Magento extension?
Amazon has developed a world-class web service that millions of customers use every day. As a Magento developers, we was built Product Advertising API Magento extension that leverage this robust, scalable, and reliable technology. You can get access to a lot of the data used by Amazon including the items for sale, customer reviews, seller reviews, as well as most of the functionality you can see on, such as finding items, displaying customer reviews, and product promotions.