
Filter Amazon products by keyword, title, brand, manufacturer, merchant, discount

Go to Magento Admin Panel -> WEAmazon -> Search & Import Products.

Choose "All" or "Category" option.

Amazon Magento extension - choose category to filter

If "All Products" category is chosen, only keywords option would be available for products filtering. If you choose any other category, more filter options would be available:

  • Keywords
  • Brand
  • Manufacturer
  • Maximum Price
  • Minimum Price
  • Merchant ID
  • Min Percentage Off
  • Title

Amazon Magento extension - choose category to filter and enter keyword

Brand / Author / Manufacturer / Publisher / Title any other parameters loaded specifically for the selected Amazon category

Maximum price, minimum price and price delta - when you try to import a huge category

Min Percentage Off - if Amazon gives a discount for a product, you might search such products using this option. Example value is 5.

Filter Amazon products by ASIN, SKU, EAN, UPC

Filter Amazon products by ASIN

Choose "search by ASIN" option and enter ASINs list to the textarea. You can upload your ASINs list.

Amazon Magento extension - search by ASIN option

Amazon product ASINs can be found here (on the Amazon product page)

Find product ASIN on the Amazon site

Filter Amazon products by SKU, EAN, UPC

Those ID lookup is available in the Category Search. I.e. a category has to be selected in order to search Amazon by EAN, SKU, UPC. Choose "search by Category" option and choose ID type. Then enter IDs list to the textarea.

Filter Amazon products by SKU, EAN, UPC

Maximize number of product found per process - Price ranges feature

Now you can set Min. Price, Max. Price and Price Delta fields during product search process.

Select Search by Category option. Select category and insert price ranges. It is very handy when you try to import a huge category Since API search only gives 100 products at max. Price ranges allow to divide search results and take more products from Amazon.

Filter Amazon products by price

For example: Min. Price = 50 Max. Price = 100 Price Delta = 5

The script would make a cycle of requests with different price ranges based on the Price delta.

I.e. The first request would be with min.price and max. price equal to (50, 54,999).

The last request would be with min.price and max. price equal to (95, 100).

Technically this options would allow to load up to 100*10 products during this search. Which is very handy when you try to import a huge category.

Video tutorial "How to find thousands of products per a single search - Amazon Products Manager Magento extension":

Sort products by sales rank, review rank, price, discount

Select Search by Category option. All possible way dependning on locale and selected category.

Filter Amazon products by SKU, EAN, UPC

How to find thousands of products per a single search

1. Cyclic search for Amazon products. Once you select some category, choose Sort By option to "Price: Low to High" or "Price: High to Low". You are free to fill all other search options. Only "Price delta" option would be ignored when Sort By is set to "Price: Low to High" or "Price: High to Low". Sometimes this cycle search brakes on a round prices. Like $5.99 - if there are more than 100 products with the same price, process would be terminated.

2. Price ranges feature. You can set Min. Price, Max. Price and Price Delta fields during product search process. The script would make a cycle of requests with different price ranges based on the Price delta. This options would allow to load up to 100*10 products during this search

Search and import items only by one specified Amazon seller

The extension does not allow filtering by a seller. But you can use Merchant ID in the Amazon Search Params form (Search By Category).

However you can import products using unique ASIN numbers by getting the list of ASIN numbers from the seller. Also you can set price synchronization by certain sellers after the product is imported. Look for the Amazon Merchant ID option use case.

"Merchant ID" option is taken from the Amazon product page if "Take prices from Amazon directly (not API)" is set to yes. Using this option you link product in your site with exact product on Amazon.

f you wish to set a Merchant ID for certain product you need to add the string &m= to the Merchant ID value. Example:


Amazon Merchant ID option in the Magento extension settings

Find Merchant ID on the Amazon stie:

Find Merchant ID on the Amazon stie

Merchant ID is not specified:

Merchant ID is not specified

Filter "out of stock" products

Before starting to import products you can use "Stock" filter in the "Import Products from Amazon" table.

Stock filter in the Import Products from Amazon table

Use custom categories for advanced filtering (the category node ID)

You can search by category node ID. Product categories are marked with links.

What are Amazon browse nodes?

Amazon uses a hierarchy of nodes to organize its items for sale. Each node represents a collection of items for sale, such as Harry Potter books, not the items themselves. Amazon calls the nodes, browse nodes because the customer can browse through the nodes to find the collection of items that interests them. Browse nodes are related in a hierarchical structure. More info:

1 Select proper main category.

2 Put product keywords or title.

3 Find several products and stop the search.

4 In the list of found products find the one which is in the right category. This feature does not work when you searching by ASIN.

Magento Amazon extension - Search by category node ID

5 Click the category number (BrowseNode) to set custom category.

6 Clear list if you don't need these products.

7 Continue further product search using selected category.

Set the Amazon category node number  - Amazon Products Manager Extension

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