
Two ways to import products into categories and sub-categories

1. To import products into the same categories as in the Amazon store with automatic creation of all sub-categories structure.

Magento Amazon extension - Copy Amazon Categories structure

You might check these categories in the Categories option while you view the product imported from Amazon store.

Magento Amazon extension - import products into the same categories as in the Amazon store

2. To import products into existing category. In this case you need to manually set the category.
Please set "Use existing Magento categories" in the "Import" tab.

Magento Amazon extension - Use existing Magento categories

Import Fulfillment by Amazon products

Navigate to Magento admin Panel-->WEAmazon-->Settings --> Search and Import settings tab. there is Include only items sold by Amazon parameter. Set it to "Yes" value.

Magento Amazon extension - Import Fulfillment by Amazon product

Manage attributes of Amazon products

List of attributes for import

The extension imports and syncs all attributes provided by Amazon Product Advertising API, for example:
- Name
- Price
- Qty (if possible)
- Inventory (Stock) (if possible)
- Description / Short Description
- Images
- Categories
- Size
- Color
- Brand
- Manufacturer
- Dimensions (height / length / width / weight)
- Model
- Package Unit Dimensions (height / length / width / weight)
- Package Quantity
- Part Number
- Product Group
- Publisher
- Other

How to manage attributes of Amazon products in Magento

1. Find Amazon product to view a list of attributes (Amazon Item Information-> Additional Attributes tab)

Magento Amazon extension - Open product to edit

Magento Amazon extension - View a list of attributes

2. Copy required attribute names

Magento Amazon extension - Copy required attribute names

3. Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes->Add new Attribute.

Catalog input type must be set to Dropdown value in order to be visible in the layered navigation.

Don't forget to add a dimension of the size attribute in the Manage Label / Options tab.

Magento Amazon extension -  Add new Attribute

4. Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attribute Sets. Add this attribute to required set.

Magento Amazon extension -  Add attribute to required set

5. WEAmazon->Settings-> Attributes Mapping. Paste copied attribute names of the Amazon product

Magento Amazon extension - Attributes Mapping

6.You can add an expression with Amazon attribute names. For example to calculate Size from Package Dimension values

Magento Amazon extension - expression with Amazon attribute names

7. Import products. Reindex data

A layered navigation with attributes (for example: brand, color) is now available

Attribute Size is calculated using the equation placed in the Attributes mapping section

More info:
How to generate any Magento product attribute from data delivered by the Amazon API
How to play with product attributes during import and/or synchronization using Amazon Products Manager extension

Manage prices

Import Amazon Prices to Magento

This formula will be applied in sync:

  • New Price = Converted Price + Converted Price * pA / 100 + pB.
  • Final Price = New Price + New Price * pC / 100.

Options may be set individually for every products. If you go to the section Amazon Import Products on the product page in the backend. There would be options:

  • Price Adjustment, pA (%)
  • Price Adjustment, pB
  • Price Adjustment, pC (%)

Magento Amazon extension - Set Price Adjustment

pA - is a percentage adjustment, for example, you have an Amazon price $100, you set pA field to 15, your final price would be $100 + 15% = $115

pB - is a fixed value adjustment. For example, you set pB to 25, The Amazon price is $125, the final price would be $125 + $25 = $150

pC - is also a percentage adjustment applied after pA and pB values changes the price.

You can make a bulk attributes change. Get to the product list, check all products, select action Update attributes and find proper attributes to change (for example Price Adjustment, pA (%). It will only change after the product is synchronized.

You can import products from Amazon and display prices in your locale currency. The currency conversion is based on a default Magento functionality. Rates are placed at System->Manage Currency->Rates section.

Get Lowest/Highest available price

WEAmazon-> Search & Import Products.

Magento Amazon extension - Search and Import settings - Default Price

Take prices from Amazon directly

WEAmazon->Settings-> Html parsing features.

Get product page html from site

Why the extension not always gives expected Amazon product price

Magento extension displays the information provided by the Amazon API. There are two possible reasons to this behavior:

  • Amazon API caches data. And it takes time to refresh the cache. So, after some time the price might become as expected
  • For different regions (countries) different price is given

There are also Amazon Products API options which affect the price. For example "Default price ..."
Another option is "Default condition..."
You can try changing them and check if prices are changing.

Import reviews

Display Amazon reviews in the iFrame

WEAmazon->Settings-> Customer Reviews.

Magento Amazon extension - Display Amazon reviews in iFrame

Post Amazon reviews as Magento native reviews

Note. Reviews are not loaded instantly, since they are parsed from the site. Amazon might delay the answer or temporarily block parser. So we have set 5s wait timeout and 10s load timeout for review loading function. If reviews were not loaded with the product import, they would be loaded later during synchronization.

WEAmazon->Settings-> Customer Reviews.

There are two options "Load Amazon customer reviews as Magento reviews (not API) - Yes/No" and "Include customer reviews in a product description inside an iframe" - "Yes/No".

Magento Amazon extension - Post Amazon reviews as Magento native reviews

Also you will need associate the Amazon rating with the Magento rating.

Magento Amazon extension - Associate Amazon rating with Magento rating

Download reviews for the specific ASIN and associate them to the SKU in Magento

SKU may be any. After Amazon Products Manager is installed. You would be able to define ASINs for every product already placed in your Magento (Product Information-->Amazon Import Products-->Amazon Standard Item Number). After that reviews would be imported during synchronization.

You can import only Amazon reviews and nothing else


Do not import main image to More Views section

Magento admin Panel-->WEAmazon->Settings-> General

Magento Amazon extension - Do not import main image to More Views section

Reverse images order

WE Amazon->Settings->Additional settings

Insert Amazon locales with reverse images order.

Magento Amazon extension - Locales with reverse images order

Load Hi-res images

Hi-res images are taken from the product pages on Amazon site. This is HTML-parsing feature.

WE Amazon->Settings->Html parsing features

  • Get product page html from Amazon site: Yes
  • Get Hi-Res images of a product from Amazon directly (not API): Yes

Amazon sometimes give captcha page instead of the actual page. So HTML parsing features are not 100% working, since Amazon might block http requests or put captcha pages.
You will need to add a captcha solver. There is a way to add captcha solver account in the extension settings.

Magento Amazon extension - Get Hi-Res images of a product

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