Amazon Products Manager Magento Extension allow to integrate Amazon into Magento eCommerce platform.

1000items website was created using APM to test Magento Amazon Integration on a live store. The store is based on the Full-width Magento Theme..

44 000 products

There are more than 44000 products loaded from Amazon. It took 2 weeks to load all products.


The database size is about 1.3 Gb.

Loading (filtering) products from Amazon

The Amazon Products Manager Magento Extension extension loads one product within 2 seconds.

Products Loading time, min
60 1.30
78 3.25
88 1.34
92 2:55
100 5.39
177 5.20
230 6.17
  Average time
  1 1.93sec

Average product filtering speed is 1.93 sec

Importing products from Amazon to Magento

Products Importing time, min
60 2.51
78 2.53
88 7.29
92 5:00
100 5.36
177 7.43
230 9.23
  Average time
  1 2.97 sec

Average product importing time is 2.97 sec

Website's performance

The store is placed on a dedicated Magento hosting on a regular hosting plan.

Test a website's performance by is a free website speed test using Google’s Chrome web browser from dedicated Pingdom servers.

Shows the download speed and of all graphs

Test Location: Load time, sec
Dallas, Texas, USA 2.54
New York City, New York, USA 2.69
Amsterdam, Netherlands 5.16

This article is related to the Amazon Products Manager Magento Extension.

This useful Magento plugin allows you to easily import Amazon products into Magento.


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